Bromyard FM the small town with the big sound. Our very own local radio station, there to make your day that little bit better. Playing songs from all over, 80’s, 90’s or whatever you fancy Bromyard FM has it all. Available 24/7 with your favourite tunes and scheduled broadcast shows with some of the best local DJ’s.
Bromyard FM isn’t just your local radio station. They provide news, events, and local updates over on their website and are a beloved and integrated part of the Bromyard community. They take great pride in Bromyard, and they make it their goal to make sure the people of Bromyard are happy, singing or dancing, maybe both. However, Bromyard FM are also known for their great community contributions (outside their music). From organising some great past events to constantly going the extra mile to ensure town celebrations are done right. Bromyard FM are currently helping to organise ‘Party in The Park’ for the King’s coronation, to make this special day for the country, that bit more special in Bromyard.
The Founding of BromyardFM
Bromyard FM was founded by DJ Richie Palmer and DJ Nikki Ive. With a wealth of music experience between the two of them, with Richie DJing around Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Gloucester and something further afield, a seven-year residency in Menorca, Spain. With all this talent and experience, when the world became ‘quiet’ in 2020 Richie didn’t want to stop what he loved. So, to give back to the community and to cheer everyone up from their lockdown blues, along with some local DJ’s, Richie and Nikki founded Bromyard FM. It didn’t take long for the radio station to become a success with the locals, others all over the UK and even some Bromyard ‘expats’.
Listening to Bromyard FM is easy. Simply head over to their website and click the play icon, have it on your phone, laptop or even download the Bromyard FM app to access anywhere, anytime. If you’re at home, doing some chores, maybe just enjoying some you time if you have an amazon Alexa or maybe a Google device, ask it to launch/play Bromyard FM to listen, it’s never been easier.
Tune in to Bromyard FM and listen to your favourite shows:
- The Breakfast Show- Monday to Friday- 7:00am to 10:00 am
- The Classic Chart Rundown -Monday to Thursday-12:00pm to 1:00pm – Friday -12:00pm to 2:00pm – Saturday – 3:00pm to 4:00pm
- Non-Stop Music Mix- Monday & Wednesday – 1:00pm – 4:00pm- Tuesday & Thursday – 2:00p to 4:00pm – Sunday – 1:00am to 6:00am